A Quotation From The Great Dr. John Owen (1616-1683).
Something To Think About.
Hebrews 1.1,2. "God, Who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers." In his incomparable Exposition of Hebrews, Dr. Owen says of these two Verses: "The last difference in the comparison insisted on by the Apostle in these Words is this: that of old God spake 'in the prophets,' but now 'in the Son.' The prophets were but instruments to give out what they had received from God. The word of the Lord was 'in the hand" of this or that prophet. That which made any revelation to be prophecy was that inspiration of the Holy Ghost which implanted in the minds of the prophets, and gave forth by their tongues or pens, that which God would utter in them and by them. In answer unto this speaking of God in the prophets, it is asserted that in the revelation of the gospel God spake 'in His Son.' This is the main hinge on which all the arguments of the whole epistle do turn. There is a difference between the Son of God revealing the will of God in His Divine Person to the prophets, and the Son of God as incarnate revealing the will of God immediately to the Church. This is the difference here insisted on by the Apostle."