*This section is specially intended for those who live in Care Facilities and are presently experiencing inward struggle because of the virus impositions. Question. How can I have peace amidst the impositions? Answer. 1. Attend to your soul. Make your Peace with GOD. If you don't have Peace with GOD, how can you have any true peace? Don't assume you are right with GOD. No one ever became right with GOD by assuming. Be honest with yourself. I have an assignment for you. And if you don't have a Bible, please contact me. I'll ship you a Bible free of charge. Have you confessed your sins to GOD in Prayer? Read I John 1.9. Have you taken JESUS as your personal SAVIOUR? Read Acts 16.31. Do you live an obedient and holy life? Read Hebrews 12.14b. These are important questions. If you don't face up to them now, you will face up to them One Day at the Judgment Day. 2. After you make your Peace with GOD, be careful to walk with GOD. Walk with GOD every day. Begin the morning with Scripture and Prayer. Psalm 5.3. Every evening, return to THE LORD again. Matthew 14.23. Throughout the hours of the day, be tender-hearted to avoid sin. Proverbs 23.17b. 3. Keep a schedule. One of the greatest gifts you have is time. Time itself is not a burden. Wasted time is a burden. Time well spent brings joy. Rise at the same hour every morning. Proverbs 6.9; Genesis 19.27; 28.18; Exodus 8.20. Those of you who are Elderly, I ask you, didn't you do this during your working years? My favorite part of the day is the early morning. It is incomparable. Plan different activities for yourself. I Chronicles 22.16b. Read. Draw. Do you have a window? If you do, you have a better window than Microsoft Windows. Use your window. Through your window, look out at GOD'S Creation. I know many of you like birds, squirrels, and deer. Proverbs 6.6 says: “Go to the ant; consider her ways.” Matthew 6.26 says: “Behold the fowls of the field.” Matthew 6.28 says: “Consider the lilies of the field.” Job 38.22 speaks of "the treasures of the snow" and "the treasures of the hail." If possible, plan a purposeful conversation with someone. Do you remember the good old Puritan rule for conversations? I admire it. I advise that you follow it. If you can't receive or do good in a conversation, don't be a part of it. 4. Drink a lot of water. 5. Do you have access to Braggs' apple cider vinegar? Read up on it. You and I know that many make fun of these things. But we both know that many of the old tonics work. Let them laugh! There will be more Braggs for us! If you and your Physician approve, take one or two teaspoons every day. Perhaps one in the morning and the other in the evening. This will help you. 6. Restrict your time with the television. You know better than me that the shows today are not like they were when you were Children. Don't make television your only or chief pastime. Do not allow these raging waters to overflow their banks. Surely, there are better things to do. Television is particularly degrading these days. Even the News. And by the way: don't believe all the major media reports about the virus. Did you consider the other side? https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ Dear Friends, I apologize for what you are going through. There really could have been a better approach to this virus. I regret that you bear the thorniest part of these overreaching impositions. But since this is the way things are, get a resolve and a purpose in your soul. I am persuaded, you Elderly are well acquainted with resolves and purposes in the soul. It is high time to attend to the affairs of your soul. Be careful to walk with GOD. Take care of yourself. And mind the admonitions of the Apostles. For know that the Devil is not negligent to watch for his opportunity. Before you leave the port of this life, he would particularly tempt you now to fall into despair. Be not ignorant of his purposes. James 4.7 says: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Ephesians 4.27 says: “Neither give place to the devil.” And even if you are weak in mind and body and don't think you can resist, then be you sure to look to THE LORD, Who is able to give immediate Light in the presence of darkness. Zechariah 14.7.