IN THIS WORLD, there arise unique situations and extraordinary circumstances. People necessarily leave their Homes and move into Care Facilities. Others are confined to their Homes. Very frequently, these precious souls fall between the cracks. They are forgotten and forsaken. For more than 28 years, Dr. Spence has served as a Personal, Domestic, and Care Facility Chaplain meeting the spiritual needs of many of these people. James 1.27 says: "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." As a Care Facility Chaplain, the particular services Dr. Spence renders are— (1) For an hour, he visits weekly with the Home’s Residents and conducts the Church Service. Part of this time is spent talking with the Residents, and part of this time is filled with a Church Service (Psalms, Hymns, Prayer, and Sermon). (2) His Wife (whose heart and Prayers are with him in this Work) calls and speaks words of encouragement to Residents when Dr. Spence is informed they are in the hospital. (3) He provides every Home’s Residents with free copies of his Printed Sermons. (4) He provides free Bibles to those who ask. (5) He loans Christian classics from his extensive library. (6) He makes hospital trips to those who specially request for him to see them at such times. Among these services, Dr. Spence does his highest good through the weekly visits. His best assistance is done through his Sermons. The Sermons are simple. The main aim is to do good to the hearts, souls, and lives of the Residents. The central goal of the preaching is to convey the leading Doctrines of Scripture. Dr. Spence is a full-time Independent Chaplain and receives his singular salary from those he serves. See Deuteronomy 18.1; I Samuel 9.7-10; II Kings 4.9,10; II Kings 5.5,6; II Kings 8.8; Matthew 10.9,10; I Corinthians 9.9-11,14; Galatians 6.6. If Dr. Spence can be of service to you or your Residents, please hesitate not to contact us.


"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy Sight, O Lord, my Strength, and my Redeemer." --Psalm 19.14.