Chaplain Dr. Paul Spence

An Independent Chaplain Serving Long Term Care Facilities In Southwestern Pennsylvania & West Virginia For More Than 28 Years

"Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth." "O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste for my help." --Psalm 71.9,12.

OCTOBER 13th; LORD'S Day (Sunday); 2024.

THIS WEEK'S HYMN. “God Will Take Care Of You” by Mrs. Civilla Martin (1866-1948). On a Sunday afternoon in 1904, Mrs. Martin was confined to a sickbed while her Husband fulfilled a preaching appointment. When Rev. Martin returned, his Wife gave him the words of this Hymn, which she herself had just written. He instantly went to his organ and composed the tune. That Evening, Rev. Martin and two Sunday School Teachers sang the Hymn for the first time. It is precious to know, as obedient Christians walk in paths of steady obedience, that GOD will take care of them.

THIS WEEK'S THANKSGIVING. I Timothy 2.1 says: “First of all, giving of thanks.” 1. Last week, as for the Residents in the Care Facilities, it is pleasant and an Answer to Prayer to see so many recovering from various maladies. THE LORD is Merciful to extend all of our lives. 2. An Owner of a Care Facility not only gave a generous check to support the Chaplain Services in her Home, but she sent Dr. Spence and his Son Home with many boxes of fine foods. All this is a big help in the ongoing Work in the Care Facilities. 3. As for the Church Services, the only things that could have been better were if people would have been saved last week or there would have been more obvious signs of professing Christians growing in Grace. Nevertheless, in the Preaching of the Scripture, last week was a special week. THE LORD'S Power went forth with the Preaching. Many distractions melted away. The people were really hearing. There is hope that seeds were planted, which may yet spring up into Eternal Life. II Samuel 2.1,2 says: “David enquired of the Lord.” “So David went up thither.”

THIS WEEK'S PRAYERLIST. These Prayer Requests have been made in part by different Residents and Staff in the Care Facilities. 1. A Gentleman asks Prayer concerning himself and his Brother's Salvation. 2. In one of the Care Facilities, a Gentleman asked: “What did Paul mean when he said 'Christ is the end of the law for righteousness?'” After which a good conversation followed. 3. A Lady asks Prayer for herself and her Family. 4. Those who tend to wander. 5. Those in the hospital. 6. A Lady asks Prayer for the upcoming Elections. 7. Another Lady asks Prayer for herself and for several Residents. II Samuel 2.6 says: “And now the Lord shew Truth unto you.” *In the Thanksgiving and Prayerlist sections, the names of the people have been withheld to protect their privacy. Nevertheless, the Thanksgivings and Prayer Requests are real and actual.

THIS WEEK'S COLPORTAGE REPORT. 1. Last week, besides Dr. Spence's visits in his weekly Care Facilities, on one of his days off, he attended to Colportage work among Care Facilities he does not visit. For more about 7 hours and 210 miles, 6 Letters and 48 Printed Sermons were distributed in 7 Care Facilities located in Duncansville, Hollidaysburg, & Altoona. Some Notes on the day— First: It had been approximately 3 years since Dr. Spence visited these places with the Printed Sermons. Second: It was a pleasant drive through the mountains. Thick fog began the day, but the sun was shining in the Afternoon. Third: The Printed Sermons were received in every place. THE LORD bless the Preaching of the Scripture on paper to these Residents! 2. Would you read a King James Version Bible or New Testament? We also have the Book of Psalms in Braille. These dear Books are gently used. They come in different sizes. Many Residents have left these Books for Dr. Spence during the past years. If you or someone you know would use one or two of these Books, please contact us. The Books and postage are free.