For Those With Extended Sickness

Ten Sermons Preached By Dr. Paul Spence

Sermon I.

THE HUMAN race may be considered in various ways. Some are young; others are old. Some are tall; others are short. Some work best with their hands; others work best with their minds. The peculiarity relating to the human race that I would insist on today is some are healthy and others are sick. In Fact, some are very sick. They stay sick. They have extended sickness. In this Sermon, I would like to specially speak a word to these dear people.

In Psalm 77, the Psalmist was going through hard days. In Verse 2, he said: “My sore ran in the night, and ceased not.” In Verse 4, he said he couldn’t sleep or speak. But in Verse 5, the whole Psalm begins to change. Now the Psalmist says: “I considered the days of old.” He began to look back on the days that went better for him. By the end of the Psalm, he is praising GOD. One simple Instruction I would hold out to you today from the general Facts of the Psalm is in times of extended sickness, you ought to reflect on all the nice days you’ve had.

Therefore, first, I’d have you today to think about some of the nice days you’ve had. I cannot pretend to know all the nice days you’ve had. But I would like to speak in such a way, if I can, to stir you up to inward reflection relating to those days. If our minds were faultless, I am persuaded they could produce a large volume concerning the nice days we’ve all enjoyed in this world. Where do those nice days start? They start where we started. Think of your Childhood. Childhood tends to be a nice stage in all of our lives. You have your Family. You have your Friends. You have warm desires, hopes, and aspirations. Surely, back there in those early chapters of life, you can find days that went well for you. Think of those days you’ve enjoyed some degree of favorable health. At least, those days you didn’t have pain. When you could stand, walk, and run. When you could think and talk. When you could use your hands. I tell you, days spent with these extraordinary gifts are dear. Think of the times you had with your Family. With your Father or Mother. Your Aunt or Sister. Or your Spouse. Think of the times you had at the job. When you got a lot done that day. When your Boss might have verbally approved of your work. When perhaps your pay increased. Or when you were simply doing a few chores around the House and enjoying yourself. Think of those good talks you’ve had in your life. Those times when your Father or Mother said something that entirely moved you and made you think. When someone at School or Church might have given you helpful advice when you were in the midst of big decisions. But where shall I end this list? Couldn’t I go on? I know I have not provided a complete list. But I have picked up a precious handful out of a river of the Goodness of GOD that has flowed into your life.

Let me kindly speak this word of caution as you pass through extended sickness. Be sure to maintain high thoughts of the Goodness of GOD. There is an aspect about sickness that tends to blind the eyes and cloud the mind, so that you only see the dark things in life. If you stay long on this foggy ground, Satan is sure to meet you and try to take your soul away from GOD. It is true, you might be sick. Your sickness might be extended. But it is also true that you’ve had some nice days in this world. GOD has been good to you. You should never forget it.

I conclude today's Sermon with this story. There once was an old Gentleman who had an extended sickness. He is now gone. While this Gentleman was here, he was often in pain. His sickness was severe. Yet, from day to day, it was his usual way to be joyful. One day the old Gentleman was asked: “Why are you so joyful?” He said: “Because years ago, GOD sent me all sorts of good gifts. He gave me health. I worked at my job for years. I had a happy Family. But, you know,” he said, “I didn’t really see the good things I once had. Therefore now I'm taking time to really study those gifts I once was given.” Let me encourage you, Friends. Follow this old Gentleman’s practice. When you walk through extended sickness, turn them into study-times. Like the Seventy-Seventh Psalm says, consider the days of old. Look back on the good days you’ve enjoyed in this world. No man lives and lives. Sometimes, we all have to walk through sickness. One day, we all will die. But while we’re here… O while we’re here! Isn’t it pleasant to live on GOD’S green earth? While we’re here, we are showered with Kindnesses untold. Amen.

Sermon II.

THE INSTRUCTION I would commend today to those who might be going through any extended sickness is keep in mind there are those who are worse than you. Today’s Instruction has three parts— 1. Some in this world suffer from extended sickness. 2. Yet there are those in this world who are still in a worse state. 3. Those who suffer from extended sickness may receive comfort from the Fact there are some who are in a worse state than they are. This Instruction does not assert that comfort should be received from someone else's suffering. This Instruction points out that real comfort may truly be received from a deep consciousness that circumstances could be much worse. As I commend to you this age-old Instruction, I have two things for you to think on. I. A simple old story. II. The Words of THE SAVIOUR.

I. A simple old story. Years ago, there was a story often circulated in different parts of North Carolina. When I was a boy growing up there, I heard the story again and again. The story goes like this. One poor fellow once went around complaining his feet were always hurting. The reason was, because of his poverty, he had to live with handed-down shoes that were too small. One day, as this poor fellow felt the usual sting in his feet, he saw a man who had no feet at all. It was on that day, and forward, this poor fellow never complained about his sore feet again. There are aspects about the poor fellow in this story that ought to be praised. Amidst his suffering, the poor fellow was nevertheless a reflective man who could still see there were some in the world who were worse than him. When this Fact dawned on this poor fellow, it had a good influence in his life. He complained no more. He now saw the state he was in was not as bad as he initially thought.

II. But I now would like to go up higher. I’d have you to think of the Words of THE SAVIOUR. I read to you from John 15.18. “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated Me before it hated you.” Consider THE SAVIOUR’S Words. At this time, THE SAVIOUR was speaking to the Apostles the night before He died. THE SAVIOUR knew the Apostles were headed for intense suffering. Their Sermons were going to be despised. They themselves would be put in jail. In the end, they all would be put to death simply because of their adherence to the Christian Faith. Therefore, to comfort the Apostles, THE SAVIOUR says: “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated Me before it hated you.” How true this remark was! The world did hate THE SAVIOUR. They beat Him. They put Him on the Cross. This Fact THE SAVIOUR held out to comfort the Apostles. Someone had suffered more than they had. It was no less than JESUS CHRIST, the very SON OF GOD. This is the Instruction I commend to you today. I preach it to you even from the very Life of JESUS. Therefore lay it up in your hearts. Keep it close by you for the days ahead. The Instruction is in times of extended sickness, keep in mind there are those who are worse than you.

Sometimes, when I’ve visited the Care Facilities, I’ve heard some sweet things. A Son comes to see his Mother. The Son leaves. The Mother says to me: “GOD gave me that Boy.” A Wife tells me about her Husband. She speaks about how hard he worked—how well he ran the House—what foods he liked—the good times they had together. Then the Wife sometimes says: “GOD gave me that man.” You know, there is much in these sentiments that is true. The Scripture says that Children are the Gift of GOD. Psalm 127.3. The Scripture says that if you had a good Spouse, where you both were of one mind and lived in peace, this was the Work of GOD. Proverbs 18.22; 21.9,19. In a similar sense, GOD is GOD. He does all things well. When you look at the moon and stars, it’s not hard to see GOD does an exceptional job. Therefore when you consider the harder and stranger Works of GOD, be sure to trust Him in those darker circumstances. Don’t just trust GOD when you can see His Works are good. Trust GOD when you can’t see. This glorifies Him. Bear in mind we are formed of the dust of the ground. It is GOD Who is GOD. For these reasons, there must be instances where GOD does right although we can’t see it. Amen.

Sermon III.

THE TEXT I call you to today is Psalm 139.17,18. In these Words, the Psalmist says: “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand.” Look well at what is going on in these Words— 1. The Psalmist generally considers the subject of the Kindness of GOD. 2. The Psalmist specifically considers the Kindness of GOD to him. In this second section, there are two parts. First: The Psalmist considers GOD’S Kindness to him while he was in the womb. Back in Verses 15 and 16, the Psalmist says that while he was in the womb, his substance was not hid from GOD. He says that it was GOD Who at that time created him. Second: The Psalmist seeks to consider all of GOD’S Kindness to him. For finally he breaks out into the Words I read to you today. “How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand.” Therefore the Psalmist did not just consider one or two aspects of the Kindness of GOD to him. Instead, he stretched his mind, and attempted to look across his entire life, and observe the Kindness of GOD everywhere it appeared. From these things, I hold out a good rule for those with extended sicknesses. Think how well THE LORD has made you. GOD’S thoughts to you are by the millions. They are more than the sands of the sea.

My Wife and I have homeschooled our Children for twenty-two years. Therefore down through the years, we have met several Homeschoolers and heard many stories. Recently, one story stood out to me. There’s one Family who homeschools their Children out West. On a certain day, when the Children were Home alone, a terrible storm came through their Town. Just before the storm hit, the Children went downstairs. When the storm hit, it flattened and destroyed the House. But the Children came out alive and entirely safe.

Now, Friends, think about what those Children could have said. They could have said to themselves: “I’m not going to leave the comfort of my room. My clothes are here. My bed is here. My toys are here.” Instead, these Children had the good sense to see it’s best to be alive downstairs among the storage-bins than to be dead upstairs among their pleasant possessions. In a word, they valued life. They saw that sometimes you have to make do.

In relation to those who live with extended sickness, this is the Instruction I have for you today. Think how well THE LORD has made you. Wouldn’t it be something if you were just an arm? If you hurt your arm, you’d be dead. But look how well GOD has made you. You have a mind, a will, and feelings. You have eyes, ears, and a mouth. You have arms, hands, and fingers. You have legs, knees, and feet. One special Fact about how GOD created you is if something on you goes bad, you still have so much with which you can enjoy life. If your sight goes bad, you still have your hearing. If your legs go bad, you still have your arms. You see, sometimes in life, you must go downstairs. A storm of bad health rips through. But even down there, life means something. It’s sweet to be alive.

Friends, we live in a world today that is increasing in its disregard for human life. Here in America, because of abortion, more than three thousand unborn Children are killed in the womb every day. Sometimes on the News, in years past, we heard about assisted suicides. In times like these, let me say life is a sacred thing. Life came from GOD. Life is maintained by GOD. Life ought to be concluded by GOD. Anywhere life is, GOD is. Think on these Scriptures. Genesis 2.7 says: “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” In Deuteronomy 32.39, GOD says: “I am the Lord: I kill, and I make alive.” Job 1.21,22 says: “The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.” Psalm 22.29 says: “None can keep alive his own soul.” In Psalm 31.15, the Psalmist said: “My times are in God’s hand.” Psalm 66.9 says: “God holdeth our soul in life.” Acts 17.25 says: “The Lord giveth to all life, and breath, and all things.” Friends, who are we to say that someone does not deserve to live? Who are we to decide when someone should die? Years ago, our Fathers left these things in the hands of GOD. I ask you, isn’t this the best place to keep them? The best Judge of life and death is GOD. When we place these things in man’s hands, we begin to walk down a dark, slippery, and fearful road. Surely GOD knows who ought to be born. Surely GOD knows when it’s time to die. Surely the Best Person Who knows all about the affairs of life and death is the very GOD Who created life in the first place. Amen.

Sermon IV.

I HAVE a question for you today. Do you believe GOD is in control of all things? Years ago, when our Country first began, our Forefathers strongly believed that GOD was in control of all things. You take those brave Puritan souls who sailed over here on the Mayflower in 1620. Their books are full of statements clearly showing they were deeply convinced that GOD steered all human events. In recent years, however, this way of thinking has waned. In a 2006 Harris Poll, more than 2,000 American adults were asked if they believe GOD controls events on earth. Less than thirty percent said they do. Forty-four percent said they believe GOD merely observes. But, you know, these Facts should come as no surprise. In many ways, we live in a society that is trying to throw GOD out of its Pledge, Schools, Families, Courtrooms, and Churches. Should it be a surprise if society today also doesn’t like to think that GOD still sits on His Throne?

But the question still remains. Do you believe GOD is in control of all things? Friends, I ask you, would you go to an ant to learn about human life? I don’t think so. You’d go to a human to learn about human life. In the same way, to look down into your own mind alone to learn whether GOD is in control of all things is a mistake. For we are creatures made of the dust of the ground. The best thing to do is to go to GOD Himself speaking out of the Scripture. If there’s anyone who ought to know whether GOD is in control of all things, it is GOD Himself.

If you take Scripture to be the authority of your faith, there is no doubt. GOD is in control of all things. The Scriptural Proofs are abundant. Psalm 135.5,6 says: “I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatsoever the Lord pleased, that did He.” Psalm 97.1 says: “The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice.” Daniel 4.35 is unmistakable. “God doeth according to His will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him, What doest Thou?” I’d also point out that when THE SAVIOUR finally stood before His Judge and was sentenced to the death of the Cross, this Truth was the comfort of His soul. At that time, He said to His Judge: “Thou couldest have no power at all against Me, except it were given thee from above.” John 19.11. Who also can forget the plain Words of the Apostle Paul? “God works all things after the counsel of His own will.” Ephesians 1.11.

I’ll be the first to say, this is quite a Truth. This Truth sets a great GOD before the mind and requires some real faith. But, say, have you ever stopped to consider the alternatives? If you don’t believe GOD is in control, then who is? Is Satan in control? Is man? Or, perhaps, is it chance wheeling us about in this world? I tell you, the day you don’t believe GOD is in control, you might as well not pray. For why would you pray to such a weak god who couldn’t really help you? I admit, there are some difficult aspects to the Truth that GOD is in control. But there are many Scriptural Truths that have difficult aspects. It's somewhat difficult for the mind to comprehend there is ONE GOD and yet He exists in THE FATHER, THE SON, and THE SPIRIT. It’s somewhat difficult for the mind to comprehend THE SAVIOUR had no human Father. But the plain Fact is that when it comes to the Study of GOD, the first step in learning Divine Truth is to see that our sins have blinded our minds. We cannot think and see clearly. Therefore GOD Himself, in the abundance of His Mercy, has spoken to us His Truth in the Scripture. This Word is to be trusted. There is no higher or purer Source of understanding GOD than the eternal Words of Scripture.

As I conclude today, I’d like to specially speak to those who suffer with extended sickness. Friends, GOD is in your afflictions. It’s not blind chance that brings in your sorrows. GOD knows what He is doing. Sometimes, our own Children didn’t know what we were doing when we took things away from them and gave them things at first they didn’t care for. But we knew it was best for them. Now, shall we allow this freedom for ourselves, and yet find fault with GOD when He brings in our trials? Let me encourage you. Arm yourself during your sufferings. GOD is infinitely wise. He knows what He is doing. All that GOD does is good and just. GOD knows what is best. Amen. Special Note: The Facts in this paragraph were taken from an article entitled “Nearly Half Of Americans Uncertain God Exists: Poll” which appeared on October 31st, 2006 at

Sermon V.

THERE IS much that could be said to describe human suffering. On your outside, you are clothed with all sorts of wondrous gifts. There is your hair, your face, your arms, your fingers, your legs, your feet. Yet as nice as all these things are, all sorts of pains and sicknesses can infect all of them. On your inside, you are blessed with still greater gifts. There is your mind, your will, your feelings. Yet when these things are clouded with such things as guilt and grief, the several parts of your soul can flood in the most acute suffering that is to be felt in the world. In the end, the Truth is this earth is full of suffering. The human race has learned to avoid some things. But it has not yet learned to avoid suffering. There is not a Country, City, or Family that is exempt. If you live, you somehow suffer.

When you consider the subject of human suffering, the question insensibly seems to arise of itself. Where did suffering come from? Is this the state in which GOD created man? Did suffering one day suddenly spring up from the ground? If you take the Scripture as the authority of your faith, there is no doubt concerning this point. All suffering first arose from sin. When GOD created our First Father Adam and his Wife Eve, He said to them: “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” Genesis 2.16,17. But look what happened! Our First Father and his Wife partook of the forbidden fruit. It was on that day that suffering came into the world. I’d have you to specifically mark what took place. On the day the human race fell into sin, GOD at that time said to our First Father’s Wife: “I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception: in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.” To our First Father himself GOD said: “Because thou hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” Genesis 3.16-19. Think specially of some of these Words. To our First Father’s Wife, GOD said that she would have great sorrow. To our First Father, GOD said that he also would sorrowfully eat of the ground all the days of his life. This is where suffering came from. All suffering first arose from sin. When GOD first created the world, there was no suffering. GOD created an ideal world. All was calm and tranquil. But when the human race sinned, the world changed. Things did not remain the way they were. Had there been no sin, there would have been no suffering. But the instant sin appeared in this world, suffering came through that door. Therefore sickness, sorrow, and all forms of suffering whatsoever entered because of sin.

As I conclude the Sermon today, I’d have you to think of something. What is the worst thing in this world? If a Soldier were here today, he might say the worst thing in this world is war. If a Nurse were here today, she might say the worst thing in this world is sickness. But be you sure that the worst thing in this world is sin. There are many undeniable Facts that prove the worst thing in this world is sin. The first is Scripture. When you read the Scripture, it’s plain that what GOD condemns the most is sin. Think of the Judgment Day. Why will GOD cast some into Hell? It will not be because they were poor, sickly, black, or white. It will be because they sinned, and never turned from their sins. One further Fact that shows sin is the worst thing in the world is the Fall of the human race. It was through sin that man fell from his first pure estate. It was through sin that suffering broke forth and flooded into our world. We live in times today when society makes a very light thing of sin. The rule today often is: “Don’t regard right or wrong. Just do what you want to do.” By this one method, society today has shoved GOD into a corner. The next man also is often slighted. In such an environment, self becomes the driving force. But, Friends, don’t forget. When you live from day to day and look out across the full spectrum of human suffering, keep in mind it was sin that first brought in all suffering. Therefore sin is your worst foe. Sin never really advanced anyone. Sin might be sweet at the first; but it always stings at the last. Amen.

Sermon VI.

THIS PAST week, in my Study, I was observing some works of art and what various men have conceived as it relates to the swiftness of time. One work of art I then saw still remains in me. A sufferer was portrayed in her bed; and she was smiling as she read a card that someone sent her. This, certainly, is a most suitable representation of how many spend their time in this world. They are sick. They stay sick. They have a hard time.

The Instruction in today’s Sermon for those who suffer with extended sickness is this. Sickness is a good time to be saved. I’ll be the first to say, some good men down through the years have preached that it is not a good time to be saved when you're sick. From 1620 through 1850, I have read several of our Protestant Forefathers who have said plainly that sickness is not a good time to be saved. Now when you seek to be objective and really hear what these men were saying, there is a certain truthfulness in their words. They were chiefly addressing those in good health who were putting off the Salvation of their souls. In those circumstances, it’s very right to say that you shouldn’t put off your Salvation till you’re sick. In this context, sickness is not a good time to be saved. For in the end, you never know what sort of sickness you’ll have; or if in that sickness you’ll have the opportunity to get right with GOD. But still, although these things are very true, it is equally true that sickness is a good time to be saved. There is a long list of Scripture that proves it. In Jeremiah, GOD said to the Jews: “For they have turned their back unto Me, and not their face: but in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise, and save us.” Jeremiah 2.27. In Ezekiel, GOD says of the Jews again: “I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant.” Ezekiel 20.37. In I Kings, one of the Jewish Kings was sick. This hardened man instantly said: “Entreat now the face of the Lord thy God, and pray for me.” I Kings 13.1-10. In II Chronicles, another Jewish King was “in affliction.” It was then said of him that “he besought the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers, and prayed unto Him: and God was entreated of him, and heard his supplication.” II Chronicles 33.12,13. It is said in the Psalms, that when the Jews had death all around them, “then they sought God. They returned and enquired early after God.” Psalm 78.34.

Friends, many times good health makes thousands only think of themselves and the things in the world. They do what they want to do. They go where they want to go. But, sometimes, I have observed, when extended sickness comes, some receive a whole new perspective of life. Fun does not sit as first place anymore. Now, they don’t just do what they want to do. Their eyes now see there is a GOD and they have a soul. By all means, they now seek THE LORD till He has Grace on them. It’s a peculiar perspective that extended sickness gives to some souls. When GOD is at work, extended sickness is a tool in GOD’S hands to show that the most important things in this world are to get right with GOD and stay right with GOD. For the only thing you’ll take with you when you go is your soul, and how that soul stands in its relationship to GOD. I encourage you, Friends. When you walk through extended sickness, don’t think GOD has forsaken you. Instead, see that GOD is now bringing you into His School and attempting to teach you the best things. When you’re sick, it’s not too late to get saved. In Fact, as I showed from the Scripture today, sickness is a good time to be saved. Think of all the things that sometimes happen when you are sick. You now can’t always take care of yourself. You depend on someone else to help you. In the same way, isn’t this what GOD is trying to do with you? When it comes to the Salvation of your soul, you can’t lean and depend on yourself. You must lean on THE SAVIOUR Who died for your sins. You must reach out the arms of your faith to Him, and receive Him as your SAVIOUR. Amen.

Sermon VII.

THE TEXT for today is Isaiah 5.4. GOD here asks: “What could have been done more to My vineyard, that I have not done in it?” Concerning these Words, I’d have you to attend to two things. I. What these Words are saying. II. How these Words apply to us.

I begin. I. What these Words are saying. The Jews at this time had turned away from GOD. Isaiah Chapter 1 shows they had fallen into a very sinful state. Yet to encourage the Jews once more to return to THE LORD and reform their ways, the Prophet Isaiah says to them in GOD’S Name: “What could have been done more to My vineyard, that I have not done in it?” There is much said in these Words. 1st; GOD says to the Jews that He had treated them like “His own vineyard.” He had dealt with them most favorably. He had desired to take them to Himself as His own Children. 2nd; GOD had actually “done” great things for the Jews. He had given them His Law. He had set up his Church among them. He had sent His Servants to preach to them the Word of GOD. He promised them THE MESSIAH, Who was yet to come. 3rd; GOD now says that He could do “no more” for the Jews than what He had done. The real stress of the Text is here. GOD says: “What could have been done more?” When you think of all the special things GOD had done for the Jews, He had done great things for them indeed. He couldn’t have done any more. But, still, the Jews treated these things with rejection. They didn’t want anything to do with GOD.

II. How these Words apply to us. When the Prophet Isaiah speaks in Scripture, he constantly speaks two things. 1st; He speaks directly towards something in his own times. 2nd; He speaks towards something in the future. The first thing the Prophet aims at in today’s Text is the Jews and the sad spiritual state they were in. The second thing the Prophet aims at is GOD'S Gift of JESUS CHRIST and us.

Sometimes, Friends, when people go through extended sickness, they are tempted with dark thoughts. They say to themselves: “I just had a stroke. Where is GOD?” Or: “I just had a heart-attack. Why would GOD let that come to pass?” Although you might sit today with the painful effects of a stroke or a heart-attack, still, today’s Text applies to you. “What could have been done more to My vineyard, that I have not done in it?” GOD cannot do more for you than what He has already done. Perhaps someone here will say: “How is this so? I had a stroke or a heart-attack.” If you look at circumstances, you can’t always see GOD’S Kindness towards you. Circumstances are up and down. Good things come alike to all. Bad things come alike to all. But if you really want to see GOD’S Kindness, you must go to Scripture. It’s there, in that Illustrious Volume, where GOD’S Kindness shines like a burning torch. You there plainly see that GOD cannot do for you more than He has already done. For consider. The Scripture says that “all have sinned.” Romans 3.23. Some may be attracted to sports. Others may be attracted to plants and flowers. But there is one thing we all have done. We all have sinned. You may be young or old. You may live on this side of the world or on that side of the world. But one thing is for sure: all have sinned. Since all have sinned, all are exposed to the Wrath of GOD. Ephesians 5.6. I have known some who think this to be an extreme view. But this is no extreme view. It is entirely just. Isn’t this how things are in society? If you break into a Home and steal—if you kill—if you commit rape; you have to suffer for the crimes you commit. It is so with GOD. GOD is holy. He hates sin. Therefore those who have sinned are under His Wrath. But look what GOD did. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.” John 3.16. GOD’S Dear Son! The Sunshine of His Soul! GOD spared not HIS OWN DEAR SON. And look what this SON did! He spared not Himself. THE SAVIOUR went to the Cross. He died for our sins. Now the Good News is... “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.” I John 1.9. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16.31.

Friends, this is why GOD cannot do more for you than what He has done. It may be true that you have suffered serious sickness. Still, when you think about the Facts that you have sinned—what you deserve for those sins—and yet GOD gave HIS SON—and this SON did not spare Himself; why, this is unspeakable! This is like a dream! O, then, since GOD has gone so far out of His way, make sure you do not allow all this Grace to slip through your fingers! While you can, make sure you settle your accounts with GOD. Look to THE SAVIOUR. Trust in Him. Amen.

Sermon VIII.

THE TEXT for today is Matthew 18.8,9. THE SAVIOUR is speaking. “It is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.” “It is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.” There are two things in these Words. I. Who THE SAVIOUR is speaking to. He is speaking to those who in some way suffer with extended sickness. “It is better for thee.” Who is this thee? Those who are halt, maimed, or blind. II. What THE SAVIOUR actually says. He says two things. First: He makes a reflection concerning those in good health. Second: He makes a reflection concerning those who suffer with extended sickness.

Please consider. I. Who THE SAVIOUR is speaking to. It’s very instructive who they were who most faithfully heard THE SAVIOUR’S Sermons. The Scripture shows those in Civil Authority didn’t sit at THE SAVIOUR’S feet. They stayed away. Luke 23.8; I Corinthians 1.26. The rich didn’t come to hear THE SAVIOUR. In those rare times they did, as a rule, they quickly withdrew. Matthew 19.16-23. But one group that came to hear THE SAVIOUR constantly was the sick. Matthew 4.24-5.4. The sick loved THE SAVIOUR. They hung on every Word. They loved to be near Him. His Words to them were life and peace. Before I leave this simple point, I would draw this Instruction. The only way you truly prize THE SAVIOUR and His Word is when you know how weak you are. As long as you think you’re strong or you can get through life on your own, you will not come to THE SAVIOUR. His Word will not mean much to you. But when you see how weak you are—when you face up to the real Facts of your heart and life; it’s then THE SAVIOUR becomes dear. It’s then His Word truly comes to you, saves you, and sanctifies you.

II. What THE SAVIOUR actually says. He says two things. First: He makes a reflection concerning those in good health. He speaks of “having two hands or two feet” and of “having two eyes.” I’d have you to mark how THE SAVIOUR draws the line. When He speaks of those in good health, He doesn’t speak of spotless teeth—or arms that could lift a house—or legs that could run through a County. Being in good health, according to THE SAVIOUR’S mind, is “having two hands, two feet, and two eyes.” Friends, when you have the use of these things, what great things you have! You can do so much. You can enjoy so much. Therefore let us keep in mind that although some things might not be faultless about our health, if we have the use of most of our limbs, we have much to be thankful for. But be sure to catch one stirring ingredient of THE SAVIOUR'S thought here. Why does THE SAVIOUR speak of those who have two good hands, feet, and eyes? He speaks of them and says something astounding. He clearly implies that a considerable number of those in good health are on their way down the wrong road. They’ve lost their way. Or, to use THE SAVIOUR’S exact Words, they’re headed to Hell. How this ought to reach our hearts! The Truth is that all of us can call on GOD. We all can get things right with GOD. But those who have their good hands, feet, and eyes, what choice do they make? They often make the wrong choice. Which shows the sad Fact that when the human race is put in a place where they can easily and comfortably turn their back on GOD, most of the time they will.

Second: THE SAVIOUR makes a reflection concerning those with extended sickness. “It is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.” “It is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.” THE SAVIOUR, in this place, confronts head-on a common idea of the world. The world thinks if you have your health, you have it all. But THE SAVIOUR here brings in His Own Point Of View. He says if you are right with GOD, you have it all. Look at the striking way He shows His Point. He says that the halt, maimed, and blind man, who are right with GOD and on their way to be with THE LORD, are all in a higher, grander state than those who have the most perfect health and yet are on their way to Hell. Friends, hear what THE SAVIOUR is saying. The most important thing in life is to be right with GOD. It’s better to be right with GOD in a sick-bed, than to be in the finest state of health without Him. For when you’re right with GOD, your soul wears a crown. You live in GOD’S Love. You are headed towards a brighter world. To have these things is to have the greatest things a man can have. Amen.

Sermon IX.

I HAVE something for you to think about today. Are you prepared to meet THE LORD? Some say they aren’t prepared to meet THE LORD; and they don’t want to think about it. Others say they are prepared to meet THE LORD; but they can't explain why. These are two common points of view.

But, Friends, what does it truly mean to be prepared to meet THE LORD? Many have the idea today that being prepared to meet THE LORD means you are tired of life and you want to leave. But just being tired of life does not therefore mean you are prepared to meet THE LORD. Suppose someone here was tired of the ice and cold. You were fed up with a life in the North. Therefore you jumped in the car and headed to Florida. But, say, did you sell your old House? Do you have a new House in Florida? Where will you live when you move to Florida? Friends, let me say as clearly as I can: it’s one thing to be tired of life; but it’s something else to be prepared to meet THE LORD. Don’t forget that after you die, you will be staring GOD in the face. You will be judged for the things you did in this life. Your soul will either go to Heaven or Hell. These are the real Scriptural Facts. It’s much more solemn to leave this world than most people think. One of the most serious things you do in this world is when you leave it. One Scripture that clearly shows what it truly means to be prepared to meet THE LORD is Luke 2.28-30. I invite you to think on these Words today. “Then [Simeon] took up [baby Jesus] in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace, according to Thy word: For mine eyes have seen Thy salvation.” This Scripture shows that in order to be prepared to meet THE LORD, you must have two things. I. You must have THE SAVIOUR in your arms. II. You must live a holy life.

I. You must have THE SAVIOUR in your arms. We all hold on to something to win for us the Favor of GOD. Some hold on to the good works they have done. They think because they have done good things, GOD will show them favor. Some hold on to experiences. They once sat in a Church Service and experienced something. They depend on these experiences to bring them GOD’S Favor. Some hold on to warm feelings. Somewhere in their life, they felt something as they thought about GOD. They think that places them in the Divine Favor. Some hold on to dreams and voices. Sometime in life, they thought they heard GOD speak straight to them. They stand on this to lift them into the Favor of GOD.

I would take this occasion to say, how rare it is in this world for someone to trust in something higher than who they are and what they have done, experienced, and felt! When you deal with GOD, Satan tries to divert you every step of the way. But GOD always leads all His True Children past all this to JESUS CHRIST. The old man spoken of in the Text held the Child JESUS in his arms. “Then took he Him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace.” This is how it always is with all those who truly know GOD. They are led of GOD to see JESUS CHRIST. They read in Scripture that THE SAVIOUR died for their sins. This to them is most singular and outstanding. They hold on to this only to raise them to the Favor of GOD.

II. You must live a holy life. Let me be very clear. No man is saved by the good works he does. Romans 3.20. But after someone trusts in THE SAVIOUR for Salvation, that faith will be no dead faith. It will most assuredly be accompanied with good works. Luke 1.74,75; Hebrews 12.14; James 2.17,19,20. Therefore none is saved by his good works. But after faith in THE SAVIOUR springs up in the heart, a holy life invariably follows. I ask you, what is said of this old man who held the Child JESUS in his arms? Verse 25 says that he “was just and devout.” I think it’s both peculiar and instructive that the Greek word for “devout” in this place means “to take hold of well.” Dr. Vine’s Expository Dictionary; Volume I; p.307. Therefore this old man did not merely hold the Child JESUS in his arms; but he held Him well. He truly believed this was THE SAVIOUR. He clung to THE SAVIOUR as his only Salvation. Therefore he was “just and devout.” Friends, at this day, there are many who tell us they hold THE SAVIOUR by faith. They say they trust in Him. But how can you truly tell? You’ll know it every time by a holy life. Satan himself believes there is a GOD and trembles. But when someone believes so as to be saved, you can always tell it by the life. II Corinthians 5.17. In the end, it’s not whether someone can say Christian words. It’s not whether someone adheres to a Creed. In the end, the Christian Faith changes your life. It’s this that draws the plain line between the Christian and the pretender. The old sins you used to do die away. A new holy way of life takes hold of you. When you truly believe, you live holy. When you don’t live holy, your faith is a mere sentiment in your head. Amen.

Sermon X.

THE SERMON I come to you with today is entitled When THE SAVIOUR Rides In On The Wings Of The Storm. The Text is Mark 4.37. “There arose a great storm.”

The First Disciples who followed THE SAVIOUR were outstanding. They believed in THE SAVIOUR. They were taught by THE SAVIOUR. They lived with THE SAVIOUR. THE SAVIOUR had none who followed Him so closely as these men. I’d have you to mark what great and good Disciples these first Disciples were. One accurate description of the First Disciples is they learned about THE SAVIOUR through every means He used with them. The chief means THE SAVIOUR used to teach His Disciples was the Word preached. Matthew 13.1-23. THE SAVIOUR constantly preached to the Disciples. The Disciples constantly heard. Not a few times, the Disciples said that some of the finest times they ever had in this world was in hearing THE SAVIOUR’S Words. Matthew 17.3,4. THE SAVIOUR also employed other means in teaching the Disciples. Sometimes, THE SAVIOUR rebuked the Disciples. Mark 8.33. Sometimes, THE SAVIOUR asked the Disciples some deep and serious questions. John 21.15-17. But in every instance, the Disciples did well. They let THE SAVIOUR teach them through means He thought best.

One of the most peculiar means THE SAVIOUR ever used to teach the Disciples is the storm spoken of in today’s Text. Here, THE SAVIOUR had just preached all day long. Now, at the end of the day, THE SAVIOUR told the Disciples to board the ship. They proceeded to cross the sea. THE SAVIOUR fell asleep. All of a sudden, “there arose a great storm.” The rain poured down. The waves leapt into the ship. All looked lost. The Disciples awoke THE SAVIOUR. They said: “Master, carest Thou not that we perish?” At that instant, THE SAVIOUR “arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still.” The Scripture says: “The wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” It was then the Disciples said from the bottom of their hearts: “What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?” Which shows in part the Disciples had submitted to GOD’S way in the storm, and allowed THE SAVIOUR to teach them through this means also.

Friends, we live in times where some only want THE SAVIOUR to teach them in their way. They don’t want THE SAVIOUR to rebuke them for their sins. They like their sins. They don’t want THE SAVIOUR to ask them the serious things about their hearts. They ignore their hearts. They don’t want THE SAVIOUR to come riding in on the wings of the storm. What thousands want today is a shallow SAVIOUR. They want a SAVIOUR Who will always take away sickness. They want a SAVIOUR Who will always give them cars and cash. They don’t want THE SAVIOUR to teach them in His Way. They want THE SAVIOUR to teach them in their way. And if THE SAVIOUR doesn’t teach them in their way, they will leave the scene. I verily believe, in the end, it will be clearly found out that these souls were not THE SAVIOUR’S True Disciples. They were glued to the material things of the world. They really didn’t care for THE SAVIOUR; but liked Him only for the nice things they could get out of Him. I would encourage you today. Let THE SAVIOUR be your LORD. Allow Him to teach you in the way He thinks best. Keep in mind you are only a Disciple. It is your place to follow Him. In one day, old Job lost all that he had. He lost his seven Sons, three Daughters, and entire estate. But you know what Job said at the end of that trial? He said: “I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth Thee.” Job 42.5. Which shows that he didn’t lift up his heart against THE SAVIOUR in his trials. Instead, he humbled himself, prayed, and let THE SAVIOUR teach him. Friends, keep these things in mind. There are times when THE SAVIOUR rides into our lives on the wings of the storm. You may be sure that GOD has His way in sickness. There are deep instructions to learn when you aren’t well. Sickness is not lost time. Sickness does not divert you from GOD’S Plan. Sickness is part of GOD’S Plan. Here, on the sickbed, is often the place where sinners come to THE SAVIOUR. Here also is where True Christians learn some of the sweetest Truths in the world. Amen.